Tuesday, September 18, 2012

RUN Ghavinn RUN....

For most of you, you may not have known me when I was younger, but I came from a very athletic family. Most of us still like to engage in athletic endeavors and push ourselves. While I was attending Pepperdine University I learned that running wasn't an awful agonizing exercise that is only intended to help you perform better in sports, but it could be an amazing stress reliever as well. So I took up running and it started slow but by the end of the year I was running close to 45 miles a week. The crazy thing about that is no one was yelling at me to get out there and run, I actually enjoyed it. My junior year however I blew my knee out, and I couldn't do what I once loved. Sure I would go out and jog a bit but instead of feeling free and soaking up the sun and the breeze, all I could think about was the pain shooting up my leg. Now about 9 years later with my knee probably worse then ever (according to my doctors), I decided to run again. It started off with a 3-mile walk jog with my daughter in the stroller, and now I am back to running three days a week 7 miles at a time. When I am out there I feel the same joy and release I did before. I get to think about all the amazing blessings God has given me. For the longest I told myself that I couldn't do it anymore I couldn't push myself because of my physical limitations , but what I know now is that I just had to adjust it. 
    Have you felt this way about your faith also, you found out that prayer, reading your bible, serving others, weren't something that just helped you to be a better Christian it was actually something that made you a Christian. You felt the joy of God within you and you loved it and you did it often, but then something happened. For me in my running it was a blown out knee, maybe in your faith it was a loss of a loved one, or a shaky marriage or you just got older, maybe someone at church hurt your feelings, whatever it is you stopped. From time to time you went out there and gave it a go but you didn't enjoy it like you used to instead you just felt the pain lingering. Today I want to challenge you, challenge you like I have been challenging myself, get back out there on the track, you don't have to run at the same pace you used to just get out there and run. Pretty soon all of the emotions comeback your joy gets reinstated and you become filled with that same grace and love that comes only from Christ. 
     My last run I went on was yesterday, I decided to take my two young ones with me and I would run while pushing them in their stroller. This was a difficult run and my goal was 7 miles, I knew that having them with me I probably wouldn't make it that far before they pooped out on me. However I was presently surprised at not only how good they were but they were my biggest inspiration, to see them smile and enjoy it reminded me of why I like to run. The same is with our faith the youthfulness of others can inspire us to remember why we love serving Christ and enjoy being in his presence. So today get back on the track and fin your way back into the joy of Christ, it may hurt at first but once you get back into it you will remember that the pain in temporary the joy is forever!

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