Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Reach out and touch The Lord

In 2007 I was blessed to take s group of 10 people to South Africa for a mission trip. This trip was amazing, one of the things that made this trip amazing was a stop at a church in one of the "black" (as they call it) town ships. This church was very passionate about their worship to God like many other "3rd" world countries. During our time there they sang a song titled "reach out and touch The Lord" they sang this song through a few times and each time more and more passion came through them. One of the lines out of this song is "reach out and touch The Lord as he passes by you know he is not too busy to her your cry, he's passing by this moment your needs he'll supply, so reach out and touch The Lord as he walks by." It got me thinking, we need to understand that Jesus as he walked by spent so much of his time reaching out and touching others, and on the occasions when others reached out to him even without asking for healing, received it because of how strong their faith was. How many times have you reached out to Christ in faith and prayer for healing, guidance, marital help, emotional fulfillment or whatever. I feel it is rare that we reach out to God and have faith that he isn't too busy to hear our concerns, yet instead as he is walking by we watch him carry on because we lack the faith to reach out and ask for his help. Don't be too full of pride that you can't ask for help, God reveals himself in mysterious ways don't miss your opportunity to be in his presence.

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