Friday, March 15, 2013

Jesus' stands alone so we will never be lonely

The night was getting later, passover was just finished Jesus told his disciples over the meal he would be betrayed by one of his closest mates, and his time on this earth was about to be finished. Could you imagine getting that news, news you never thought you would hear because you have given up everything you have and decided to follow a man that you have seen do amazing things and with absolute authority. And now out of nowhere even though he has hinted at this for a while now his time is upon them and he lets them know all of the messianic prophecies were about to be fulfilled. So Jesus takes his closest buddies Peter, James, and John and heads over to the garden, where he asks them to stay up with him and keep watch as he heads alone to pray. Jesus needed to spend this time alone to allow the magnitude of this moment to set in. He prayed so deeply that this cup would pass from him, and the question is why? This is my opinion but I believe Jesus didnt fear death what he wanted to pass from him was the worlds sin that he was about to bear; think about this for a moment, Jesus was sinless, sinless in heaven and sinless as a man on earth, and now he is about to take on the world's dirtiest sins and bear them alone so we would no longer have to. WOW have you ever thought of that, it is bigger than taking the foul for a teammate so they dont pick up their 6th and are kicked out of the game, its bigger than taking the blame for a friend so that he doesnt get into more trouble because of his record, it is bigger than offsetting someones debt so they dont have to claim bankruptcy, it is bigger then all of those combined. Jesus knew that what he was about to do was going to briefly separate him from the father be it just briefly because of the sins of all of us. The picture of Jesus alone sweating blood, stressing about what this sin would feel like, how heavy would this weigh on him, but he chooses to submit to the Father so HIS will would be done, so HE could look upon HIS children and see them the way HE wanted to as PERFECT. Perfection that only comes from a PERFECT sacrifice, CHRIST bearing it all so we can be relieved or released from the burden of our sins so we can live in GLORY for eternity. There is no way to deny the deity of Jesus because no fully human would have ever stepped up to the plate and endure this sort of pain and humiliation for anyone let alone for the same people that were placing the nails in his hands. Jesus' love endures forever, it is the same today as it was yesterday and it will be tomorrow. GOD is GOOD REJOICE IN HIS LOVE, we dont deserve it but God gave it to us, don't take it for granted, celebrate it.

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