Thursday, April 10, 2014

Letting God break though my walls

Everyone is searching for something. Something to make us feel full, to fill the emptiness that this world has put in side of us. However along this journey of life many of us have put up huge internal walls initially to protect us from being hurt, feeling ashamed, being rejected, and so many other negative feelings. What we didn't expect as we started putting up these walls was how it has blocked God from fully working through us and within us. That something you have been searching for won't fully appear until you allow the spirit of God to break through your walls like a Miley Cyrus would call a wrecking ball. As you allow these walls to come down you will feel a different kind of construction within you, no, not more walls but bridges. These are bridges connecting us to God's will and purpose. We will see bridges leading to love,  to forgiveness, to reconciliation, to hope, patience, peace, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, selfcontrol and so many other Godly attributes. We will start to feel our life perspective change, one that was geared around a ME outlook to one geared around a life that is less of ME and more of GOD and loving OTHERS. However please take caution, people who have worked on this have found their family life become more loving and encouraging, others have found their marriage grow to new levels, and yet others have found going to work more rewarding, and all have shown better ability to overcome life's hurdles. If we want to have true breakthroughs in our life we must daily work on allowing the spirit of God to break through our walls of self doubt and fear that this world has instilled in us! Let's work on this today, start with asking God for forgiveness in your mistakes, repent of your pride, and ask God to allow His spirit the freedom to roam in your life to break down your walls and build bridges to Him. 

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