Monday, October 8, 2012


Have you ever realized how much noise is in our lives? if you have children or work a stressful job, maybe you are a student sitting in class, or listening to the radio in your car to drown out the noise of traffic, we are surrounded by it. The noise can be defining to us. The world sends all of this noise to distract us from the one sound that we need to hear more than anything, the sound of the father directing us to him on our journey. There is a reason we are told to "Be still and know that I am God" he wants us to take the time to sit in silence and dwell upon the glory of his name. When was the last time you sat and listened in your prayer time, we are always laying out our concerns and wants to the father but do we take time to listen to him as well. i want to challenge you all to take time to listen to God and follow where he is leading you. It may be on an adventure to better your physical or mental health, it may be to help and serve others more, it might be to reestablish your relationship with your spouse to make it renewed again, there are so many things that God is telling us daily but we don't give him the time and listen. Lets listen more and drown out the useless noise in our lives to see what GREATNESS God has in store for us.

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