Monday, January 7, 2013

30 days to live

This Sunday we started a series on living with no regrets, how would you live if you only had one month to live? Our memory verse for the day was psalm 90:12 "Help us to number our days aright, so that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Wen we acknowledge that our days are numbered and that we are not guaranteed tomorrow maybe we will start living in a way were the little things that used to bother us wouldn't bother us anymore. Maybe if we starts to live like we were dying we would invest in more important things like loving the ones around us more. Hugging our children more. Appreciating our spouses more. Making a better effort to grow our relationship with God more. Lets no longer put things on our bucket lists to do but instead let's start moving towards the list, lets live our lives to the fullest. So what I am going to ask you all to do that read this is maybe start putting stories of how you are living out your next 30 days, how are you going to live they out like they may be your last. And also I would ask you to check in here periodically because I will b posting more scriptures we will be using throughout our series. May god bless you and shine his face upon you and give you peace, lets start living this new year I n a way that will bring joy to the world around us a joy that only comes from above. God bless you live your life out loud and make beautiful music with it.

1 comment:

  1. OK, Here goes....On Sunday during the sermon we were ask to list three things, we'd do if we had 30 days to live.
    1. Let the little stuff go that seem to be come bigger then they are....praise God for the little things that are awesome that happen around me. example: child I'm working with got to go play on the playground for the first time today(1st grader). This seems little but it's a wonderful goal that he has reached. He isn't a danger to himself or others now and can just be a kid.
    2. When I feel hurt by people close to me, let it go and let God. God does a much better job then I ever could and am trying to remember that.
    3. Spend more time relaxing with my husband because he is my best friend and there should never be anything that just has to be done that is more important then him. I know this but get caught up getting things done.
    I've gotten out of my comfort zone posting these but feels good to do it.
    Thank you God for Ghavinn and his asking us to do this.
