Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Leaving the world a better place

Have you ever been in a situation where you were it group and you had to add a new person, that person came in caused a ruckus and left the group all together and when they left, the group was way worse than when they Joined. Man is that frustrating! It is very rare in our world that someone leaves a situation better than when they got it. Everyone who has ever rented a car knows what I mean, you know who you are, you get your ford festiva and pretend it is a off road rock crawler, you feel like its no big deal when you got your car it was clean and had good alignment, and you returned it with a new mud paint job and a wobbly suspension. Have you looked at your life and thought about how you are living it and will that life make this world better after you've gone or will no one even remember it, or even more important will they remember it for the wrong reasons. When Paul was talking to Timothy he was confident in the life he lived, he said I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I am ready to meet my maker. In a sense, I have left this world much better than I received it. I hope that the series we have been covering has helped you realize that we only have one dash between the day we are born and the day we die, it is usually shorter than expected and only you get to choose how to live it out. I hope this series hasn't been a series about dying for you but one that has inspired you to live fully. Part of living fully is to know our days are numbered, and that we need to live the out with passion, to love completely, to learn humbly, and to leave boldly. In your journey through this life what legacy are you leaving along the way? What are you teaching your children? Are you taking serious the call to make disciples, are you being a good mentor to others? Are you going to be remembered more than just for being a good person? Are you living so fully for Christ that others can't deny your faith? You can't change your past but you can spend more time in your present making each day the best you can so that your future will be stamped and sealed, a future that was promised to us, a future living in Glory with God our father. As the song says, "this is your life are you who you want to be." Well..... Are ya, are you who you want to be, are you who you want to be remembered as, are you who God made you to be, are you timid, weak in heart, ashamed? If so then you need to wake up o sleeper and rise from the dead so Christ may shine on you, because Christ didn't give you a spirit of timidity but of power, discipline, and self control. Lets get out there and leave this world better than when we entered it, leaving an amazing legacy for Christ!

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