Friday, January 18, 2013

The Mountain of Resentment

Another teaser for this sundays sermon on "No Regrets: Loving completely" we are going to be talking about love with the metaphor of being like a mountain. There is a point toward the top of Mount Everest that is called the dead zone, it is called the dead zone because at that high of altitude there is not enough oxygen to sustain life, and it is an awful and slow way to die. When we are learning to love completely and we are loving people regardlessly of how they perform, and loving people that may not deserve it we have to learn how to forgive. it is like looking at a mountain that is impossible to climb because it is a mountain full of resentment, a mountain full of hurt, full of disappointment, and it sucks the life right out of us. Maybe you have found yourself saying but he lied to me, or she wasn't faithful, or he took my heart and crushed it. Maybe today is the day that you decide in order for me to truly live a life that is full and has no regrets, I need to forgive those that hurt me, to forgive those that have taken advantage of me, because in doing so you are allowing yourself to finally heal.

For more on how this all wraps up join us sunday, there is a hint here, we will never understand the power of forgiveness until we can see for ourselves the depth and height of God's forgiveness for us.

jon us sunday at 10 am Elk Grove Church of Christ

www.elkgrovechurchofchrist.orrg for more details

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